So Santiago told us to look around otr.com and blog about it, and I did and I was AMAZED. I had no idea that so many radio shows actually existed. And I like how the website breaks them up into different genres. I have a much better understanding now of what radio meant to people before television was invented. Looking through this website reminds me of looking through a movie theater's website to see what is playing.
I was particularly intrigued by Captain Midnight. When looking through the History of Captain Midnight, this particular description caught my attention:
"In the beginning, 'Captain Midnight' was just an undercover name for Jim 'Red' Albright, who regularly piloted cargo and passengers. As an undercover agent, Albright was trying to gather information on a gang of criminals. However, by the end of the first run, ending in a summer hiatus, the Captain Midnight persona was beginnin to stick and many new him only by that name. Captain Midnight was constantly trying to stop the plans of the evil Ivan Shark and his daughter Fury. Shark remained as Midnight's evil nemesis throughout the length of the radio run."
I think that I like the idea of radio better than the idea of television. Not 10 minutes ago my roommates were ranting about how our television isn't working, and then one of them mentioned that she wished she had grown up in a time without television so that she didn't know what she was missing. I wouldn't mind listening to radio shows instead of watching television, because you can divide your attention between the show and whatever else you are doing because there is nothing to watch. I like the idea of letting your imagination do the work.
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