Friday, February 19, 2010



  1. I liked how you had a lot of different things throughout your flip-book that combined into a really nice overall story. Your transitions were really smooth and I thought you did a great job.

  2. I thought your flipbook was funny with the little monster. I also liked the way the flower grew! Your story was easy to follow and creative. Nice Job!

  3. I liked the different variety of black/white/gray using sharpies, pens and pencils. I really liked the part with the egg transition between a whole egg to a cracked one. Very nice!

  4. Alyssa, love the flower being watered. You did put a lot of different types of drawings into your story which made it very interesting to follow. Great job.

  5. vvery creative! Great transitions and animations! Awesome Job!

  6. I like how each element gradually introduced itself, like the egg cracking and sprouting a flower, followed by the shower head. Very good drawings and was fun to watch unfold.

  7. I really liked the part where the egg came up and the flower broke out of all flowed together nicely. The guy with the blob head was cool and reminded me a little of the video we watched in class.

  8. I liked the simplicity of the flip book. It was a cute idea to have the flower 'hatch.' I also like how literal it was to depict the shower on the flower with an actual shower head.

  9. Yours was really simple but it was creative and well animated. It transitioned well from the egg, to the flower, to the explosions, etc. I think the simplicity of your idea added to it because it allowed you to animate freely without any expectations from the viewer or constraints of an actual story. Nice job.

  10. Good job, Alyssa. I especially like the flower growing from the egg and the scribble-faced monster. He's cute!

  11. Loved the beginning with the flower emerging from the egg. Great transitions especially in the beginning. Nice work!

  12. I liked the flower and the abstract figure that took human proportions!! Very nice Alyssa! :)
