Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The hip hop in Debrah Harry's music video that we watched in class reminded me of the theme song to "Fresh Prince of Bel Air." It didn't seem right that she was rapping because she sounded really weird doing it...i guess it's just because i'm used to hearing rap with a side of ebonics. But i guess she was cool back in the day, even though she was a blonde haired girl who was rapping. Santiago said something about this being the first instance i think...so i guess in order for the world to accept it, Debrah Harry had to be the first one to do it. Luckily, Will Smith picked up the slack once Fresh Prince got started.

I also noticed the mixture of cultures in the video. Not only that, but there were so many random elements in the video. Santiago DID say that everything was there for a reason, and I guess shock value IS a reason. Or Debrah just wanted to confuse future audiences. Some examples of the random people that I noticed were a ballerina, a pristess, and a man walking a goat. I did appreciate the diversity of the cast though, because there were black people and white people. And everyone was wearing cool costumes. And one guy was doing graffiti on the wall, which also reminded me of the beginning of the Fresh Prince music video. But I really couldn't take the rapping seriously, sorry Deb.

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